Rev limiter DMP for 2-stroke
12-position rev limiter for 2-stroke scooters and mopeds
This rev limiter is adjustable in 12 positions. This rev limiter also comes with a dip switch to turn it on and off. Comes with free installation instructions.
How do you mount a limiter on a 2-stroke scooter?
There are two cables on the limiter:
- Black cable with an eye = ground cable and can be connected to the frame of the scooter, for example
- Red cable = this must be connected to the pickup wire between the CDI and the stator/ignition of the scooter
The box with the rev limiter you can mount it where you want it, and with this you set it to the desired speed. The switch you mount in a place where you can easily reach it, but where it is not noticeable.
This rev limiter cannot be used on scooters with an injection system, 4-stroke scooters and scooters with 2 pickup wires.
Rev limiter DMP for 2-stroke