Spark plug NGK BPR8ES for Piaggio Zip and Vespa 2-stroke.
Spark plug NGK BPR8ES for Piaggio Zip and Vespa LX50 2-stroke.
Are you going to perform maintenance on your scooter? Then it is important to also replace the spark plug of your scooter. Without a working spark plug, a scooter cannot drive. The spark plug gives sparks, which ensure combustion. An old or dirty spark plug can cause the scooter to stutter, hold back or even not want to start. In addition, old spark plugs can sometimes rust. That is why it is important to replace the spark plug on time. This is usually done during a major maintenance service.
If you are going to replace the spark plug of your Piaggio Zip or Vespa, then mount the original spark plug of NGK BPR8ES. This spark plug has the highest quality on the market and is used by almost every scooter shop in the Netherlands. This is also the standard spark plug that Piaggio and Vespa mount in the scooter.
Which scooter does the NGK spark plug BPR8ES fit?
The BPR8ES spark plug from NGK with article code 160360 is suitable for the following scooters:
- Piaggio Zip 2-stroke
- Piaggio Fly 2-stroke
- Vespa LX 2-stroke
- Vespa LXV 2-stroke
- Vespa S 2-stroke
The BPR8ES spark plug can only be used on 2-stroke scooters. 4-stroke Piaggio and Vespa scooters have a spark plug with size CR8EB .
The spark plug can be used on 25km and 45km variants, it makes no difference.
What color should the spark plug be?
For a 2-stroke scooter, the colour of the spark plug should be coffee brown. A white spark plug means a mixture that is too lean/little. And a black spark plug means a mixture that is too rich/much. You can adjust this with a jet.