Tire stick

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Tire marker to color the letters on your rubber tires.

This pen is specially made for rubber and is of very good quality. The colour adheres well to the rubber and does not come off easily. Since the sides of your tyres do not wear out, the tyre pen will stay on for a few years. Our advice is to touch up the colour of the tyre every six months, so that the colour remains nice and bright.

You can also use the tire pen to color your profile or other parts of the tire. For example, the well-known Michelin figure. The larger the surface, the more paint you need. So if you are going to color the entire profile of 2 tires, you really need multiple tire pens. And you don't have to leave it for the price, because with our mega offer they are now very sharply priced!

Choose the color that matches your scooter. Even better; combine different colors. Do you have a scooter with red and white details? Make part of the letters red and part of the letters white.

Easy installation:

  • Clean the tire thoroughly.
  • Prepare the tire marker for use by shaking and pressing the tip of the marker.
  • Color the letters and/or the profile of your tires as you wish.

The more often you color it, the more beautiful and brighter the color becomes. On average, 2 or 3 layers are sufficient.

Watch our free installation video below!

Tire stick