Brake cleaner Motip 500ml


Motip brake cleaner spray can of 500ml

Powerful, effective and cheap brake cleaner. Motip brake cleaner is known as one of the best on the market, given its excellent price/quality ratio. It is a large bottle and the spray can also sprays very powerfully. For example, if you want to spray your crankcase cover clean from the inside, this bottle is ideal for that.

What do you use brake cleaner for:

  • To clean your brake caliper and brake disc
  • For sticking on all types of stickers and emblems
  • For cleaning your scooter
  • For cleaning the carburetor, air filter housing, crankcase cover, etc.

Motip vs Action brake cleaner

  • Motip brake cleaner costs €2.99 for 500ml.
  • Brake cleaner from Action costs €2.49 for 400ml. That costs €3.11 per 500ml.

The brake cleaner from Action is even more expensive! And the one from Motip is also many times more powerful and effective. So better price and better quality.

How does it work?

Brake cleaner is an ideal tool when working on scooters. It cleans very well and is grease-free and you can use it easily. It is an aerosol can and a liquid comes out that dries immediately after cleaning, leaving no residue. Because it is so strong and effective, you can clean almost anything with it. We always recommend using it for sticking stickers, cleaning dirty surfaces and for cleaning your carburetor, air filter housing, crankcase cover etc.

What Motip itself says about the Brake Clenaer:

Brake cleaner with high dissolving power. Brake cleaner leaves no residue, is non-conductive and non-corrosive. Motip Brake Cleaner has a powerful, focused spray pattern and can be used at any angle.

    Brake cleaner Motip 500ml