Speednuts for scooter fairings universal (10 pieces)


Speednuts universal for tightening screws on scooters

These speednut clamps come in bags of 10.

Speednuts for securing hoods

These speed nuts are mainly used for securing hoods, battery covers, sheet metal and other parts that are secured with screws/parking screws.

Suitable for Piaggio Zip fairing sets (necessary if you are going to mount a new fairing set) and many China/GY6 scooters. For example, for the battery cover and loose fairing parts.

How do speednuts work?

These metal clamps slide onto the caps and when you turn the screw in, the screw will tighten to the speednut. They are universal and can be used for screws in size M4 and M5 (most common size)

Tip! You can also place a speednut behind a flap and then screw the screw in. You can then also clamp the covers without tightening the speednuts. Many scooter shops do this, for example, with license plate holders. They place the speednuts behind the mudguard and the license plate holder then clamps itself to the speednuts.

Speednuts for scooter fairings universal (10 pieces)