CDI with wireless limiter GY6 scooter 10"
Wireless limiter with remote control for China / GY6 scooters with 10" wheels and 6-pin CDI
Do you want to drive fast with your scooter, but no problems with the police or on the roller bench? Then this CDI with built-in limiter is for you!
Super easy installation = plug & play!
This CDI fits all GY6 scooters with 10 inch wheels and a CDI in the shape as shown in the photo.
How do you mount this limiter in a GY6 scooter?
Remove the buddy box from the scooter. This box is usually attached to the saddle with 4 bolts with socket size 10. The CDI is then often attached to the right side of the frame with a rubber. You can remove the plug from the old CDI and place it in the new CDI. Fix the new CDI in the rubber again and mount the buddy box back. That was all!
The scooter is limited by default when you start it. So you only have to turn off your scooter when you are stopped. Then it runs neatly according to the speed limit.
By clicking on the remote control the scooter goes unlimited. This is often between 45 and 75 km/h. Depending on how fast the scooter wants to go.
It is important that you order the correct version.
If you have a blue license plate, you choose the 25 km version. For a yellow license plate, the 45 km version. This stands for the limited position.
25km/h version: The engine is only limited when the remote control is pressed while the engine is running. Specifications of this China GY6 CDI: - Limited: 25-30 km/h - Unlimited: 60-75 km/h - Suitable for China scooters with GY6 blocks with 10 inch wheels.
45km/h version: It works as follows: When starting, the limiter is automatically ON. If you want to de-limit the scooter, you will have to press button A while driving. If you want to limit the scooter again, you must press button B, or simply turn the scooter off and on again, then it will also return to 45km p/h. All 10 inch China models